I Am Enough!

I am enough! What does that even mean? I feel like anyone knows that the answer to “Are you enough?” should be yes. But what does it really mean to believe that you are enough? How do you accept such a concept without defining it?

                To be enough for myself, would mean to fulfill my desired identity. Boy, that can be a tall glass to fill if I identify with things unreal. I spent a lot of my life attempting to be enough for myself, or the people around me, and at times I felt as though I was (in the eyes of Love I always have been enough so tapping into it through my works does make short-term sense). I still always came back to this rock bottom place of emptiness and self-hatred. In these places I usually would find glimpses of what it means to be enough for myself, but I would always end up trying to fill a false identity to maintain that glimpse. Looking at it now, I just shake my head and laugh at myself because little did I know it was the rock bottom, real, messy, me that was enough; not what I did to crawl out of it. I would be lying if I said that I perfectly now identify with only things real (Love, myself, oneness). It is a constant awareness of true identity that prevents those hard crashes I am so intimately acquainted with. I recently have been realizing that the place of the crash is where I find the realest me. The me without a mask. The me that identifies with nothing other than what is real. This can be very difficult in a world that sells everything other than what is real.

                So then, how do we be enough for the world or people that we love? What if we are just not enough for them? I guess this is really up to the “enougher.” If the “enoughee” can remain with his identity in those things real, he will remember he is innately already enough. So, if the enougher puts anything on the enoughee other than things that are real, then they are more than likely themselves identifying with things of the world (their own insecurities) and not things of the Kingdom (the innate perfection we are born with inside of us) which is inside of them as well.

                The crazy thing is, we are all enougher’s and enoughee’s. It can be easy to draw lines here, but if we are truly looking at ourselves through a lens of enough then we will see our true identity. We will see our true nature and can be made aware of those times (without any judgment) that we may tend to deviate from this innately perfect identity.